More Hart’s Speedors in Africa
These two Hart Speedors, the high-speed environmental doors, are the latest to be installed at the Bakhresa Group’s Buguruni flour mill, Dar es Salaam,Tanzania, Africa’s largest flour mill.
The Speedors were installed with internal and external wind bars to cater for wind pressures from both sides of the opening. They are the result of continued successful operation of four Speedors installed in the Kurasini grain intake areas also in Tanzania.
“This is our third visit to this Tanzania and we must thank our friends at Bakhresa for their assistance and cooperation during the installation,” says John Loftus, a member of Hart’s export team.
Africa has also been a very successful export market for Hart in particular at international airports at Julius Nyerere Airport, Tanzania, Harare Airport, Zimbabwe, Bole International Airport, Ethiopia and Casablanca Airport. Hart has also been successful in a variety of commercial projects with more work in the pipeline.